Monday, April 14, 2008

funny dream

I was in a really old fashioned library because all my sixth form year had been called there, after having done one year of university to do some work, even though we were no longer part of the school. So we were all "working", but chatting really, and F was sat down next to me, and she had a purple coloured file, with some pictures that she took from the Leavers Ball, so I was passing them around, and I remember seeing a really nice one of L T, so I found her and told her so. So I flicked through F's file, and she had done some maths work, and printed out some articles from Wikipedia, even though she took a gap year when I did first year...

Anyway, J walked in, and started flirting with F, and he got her to move to his table, and then suddenly S appeared next to do, doing some Class Civ, which she did for AS, and not A2 or uni.... and she was asking me to explain something that sounded like the Ides of March but when I started describing that, she said no it wasn't that and that she meant to say something else that sounded like the ides of march but wasn't quite that. Anyway. So we looked over at J and F, on the table near ours, and he was taling to her, clearly doing it for show, or similar, and she was talking, and he put his face near hers so their mouths were very close, and either of them could have kissed the other if they moved forward just that tiny little bit more. And he kissed her, but very lightly and very briefly.

S then proposed after seeing that, that we go for a tour of the library, so we went into this recording room, where outside there were wooden ledges high up on the walls, with bottles of water on them, which were those that people had previously left in the library. And a librarian came up to us - she was new - and wanted to know what to do with a bottle of water she had found and we told her to put it on an empty ledge.

So this room, it had recording equipment, which was a bit weird for a library to have, but it was interesting nonetheless, and I was just looking at something, when S made us go out, and we went up to F, who was free, and writing something, and I was like, I saw that, but it's OK. Then J came back, bearing some small gift, obviously intended only for F, and very specific to her, and then I think I was building up to having a go, then I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I turned round to see X there, and I hugged him, and said it's been ages, I've missed him, how has he been, in that way that people do when they hug and also have a conversation at the same time. And I was very aware that J knew it was X, but I wasn't too bothered. So I asked X how he had found me in this library, and he said someone told him on the shuttle bus from Manchester to the station.

We left the library, and I was trying to find my oyster card, and X told me he was trying to call me on his way. And it was implied in the dream that he would be staying at my house, because it was the afternoon, and he was down for some IoP thing.

A very odd dream in between my revision.
~~ ♥ ♥
But I know what it means, and I know why I had it....

Revision is going alright, there are only two weeks to go so I am getting a little bit stressed even more than normal.... My life revolves around revision at the moment, and medicine. ARGHHHH.