Thursday, July 30, 2009



Feel so old! I got a ring from my parents, some money (amount = unknown), a perfume bottle, two handbags, and I will be getting a phone sometime this summer. My friends got me some Swarovski earrings, a Hello Kitty toy, and a phone charm, and some M&S earrings. P got me a Body Shop spray, three dresses from Forever 21 and a Hello Kitty toy from the Sanrio store. So thankyou if you contributed to any of my gifts. I got messages on facebook and texts :)

I'll put some pictures up later on. They're on my phone.

Had a half day at the hospital, where I saw a baby boy being born! Had lots of food and cake and the like :) Had a half day today as well... well, I say half day. I finished at 10.40 as the rest of the list were locals, and so didn't need any anaesthetic input. A new Lidl opened up near where we live. Was very unimpressed. I do not like Lidl.

Last day of my anaesthesia elective tomorrow! It's gone by super fast, but I can say that in hindsight, I guess. At the time, it felt like, urgh 2 more weeks etc. I'll write more about what I thought of it at the weekend when it's all finished.

Had a weird dream this morning! I was sat around this table in a dark room, it was very badly lit, and there were many people around this table, mostly people I know. And it was a trial for a murder of someone, and I knew it was the little kid because he had burn marks on his right arm. I don't remember much else, but I was in a locker room, getting my stuff, and I saw one of the defendant party (guilty) who had ginger hair, who looked a cross between my friend (or old friend, as I have not talked to him for ages) F and I apologised to him for knowing the kid was the murderer. Weird.


Saturday, July 18, 2009

i can write it better than you ever felt it

For those of you that don't know, I am back home for the summer, in a very cold and rainy kind of place. My parents insist that it is not cold, but it is further proof that I have become acclimatised to the South of England, and hence moving further away from the equator, I feel the cold more. And the rain. But maybe that's because I don't have an umbrella.

I am doing an anaesthesia elective in a hospital: everyone thinks I am doing an SSM (special study module) which must be something students do at M U. I am not doing that, nor am I from that university, something I have to repeat about five times a day. When I was at N P, despite being busy all the time and waking up at crazy hours, I got to help out in the anaesthesia department, and thought it was pretty cool, so I thought I'd get some more exposure in the area. Geeky I know. But it gets expensive entertaining oneself for 3.5 months, so at least I can save money for those 1.5 months.

So it's been pretty cool so far, got to make people go to sleep and give them drugs and watch operations. Tuesday, I was in the maternity delivery suite, and watched 2 c sections. One baby was 10 lbs 3, massive, poor mother. When they first come out, and you hear that cry, it's such a lovely sound. There was also a hot obs/gynae SpR just finishing the night shift. Things like that shouldn't be allowed. Doesn't it get distracting??

This week has been the first week I've driven my car with any regularity for over six months. Suffice to say, I would NEVER pass my driving test the way I am now. But a lot of people are the same. I mean, I can drive, but I don't hold the wheel at 10 to 2, or quarter to 3, or whatever you do. I don't do that pull push thing - never understood it anyway. I rely on my sixth sense when I'm reversing etc. I'm not saying I am a dangerous driver, I mirror signal manoeuvre (how do you spell it?), I indicate, I look where I'm going and I have at least one hand on the wheel at all times.. it's just, learning to drive is so different from having a license and driving.

Saw a very skinny girl having some operation - I forget what now. Made me feel ill, because her hip bones were fully sticking out, and she had stretch marks from where she had lost loads of weight. NO one I know is that thin, everyone who is is naturally like that. This girl had a concave stomach. I'm serious. So after theatre finished, I went to the shop and bought two chocolate bars for extra calories.

I've been having weird dreams. The other night, I was setting up a drip and giving drugs - no prizes where the basis for that dream came from, and last night, I dreamt that I was in the shop - that's my other non paid job. I work in a shop 6 hours a day every night. My parents own it, so if I really want something, they'd get it for me, in lieu of wages. It's fun too. I like it. - and I had made this order, involving curry and pizza (which I mistakenly called pie, then immediately corrected myself) for no reason, and I was trying to sell it to this guy, who had blond hair and was wearing a black jacket. He showed signs of wanting the food, but not a big enough sign, so I was like, (in a joky way) fine, you don't want it. Then he hung around for ages as I served other people and made food and attended to the drinks fridge in hope that he would get the food. (he had no money). Then out of nowhere, he asks my dad for a Happy Meal, as it was only £1.50 (his words), although in real life, happy meals aren't that cheap surely. It's been years that I've been in a McDonalds to buy food other than ice cream. Waste of a company I think. Anyway. Then he walks out, and looks back and I look coyly. It was stupid, something out of a chick flick. *shudders*

Sorry I'm rubbish at keeping in touch with anyone who bothers to read this - comment?? - I have free texts now, and so I can text you guys in theatre if you like. That's what everyone does when nothing's happening. Have a "brew" (tea or coffee I think?) and check their phones. - but I finish around 5 every day, I get home at six, have my dinner (oh yeah, up North, they call lunch "dinner", and dinner "tea". Weird. Even before uni, I never called the midday meal eating time "dinner") and then help out in the shop for a couple of hours.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

the wonder girl

So I had this dream involving this person who I think.. not little of, but I guess he is a bit (very) arrogant. I won't say who it is, because you'll think very little of me and think I'm crazy for having this person in my dream.

So I was in this derelict building, which was a school, and I was with Frodo and Sam (not sure how) and they were fighting off evil monsters and the like. Then this boy tried to push me in a locker, which he did, and I had my bag with me, and he went through it, to see if there was anything he could take. I was then like "(his name), look, I need that, and that, why would you want that?" to everything he had an interest in.

Also, Mystique (the blue girl from X Men?) was tied on the roof, and Magneto was lying next to her, (I have no idea how I saw this if I was meant to be in a locker), and she killed him by touching this metal plate with her feet, and some power she garned from touching the plate transferred to him and killed him, and she broke free, and then helped Frodo and Sam beat evil monsters.

Then I left the building because I said to the guy, I don't want to be in a locker, why are you putting me in one? So jumped down, and I walked out but he followed me, saying "but you're wonderful, everyone's saying so, you're the wonder girl, you do everything the best" (he was referring to my beauty and intellect, which in real life are absolutely nothing to write home about) and then I just kept walking, then we ended up in this house, which was a school, the name of which I do remember, and I wanted to find the headteacher. I knew this guy had been to this school, and so wanted to express my opinion on this guy to the headteacher. I found him, shepherding a group of well dressed boys and girls. He then said to his former headteacher, "she has a conflict between what she wants and what she needs" or something like that, and then the headteacher made a comment about how common I was. The guy did not disagree, I walked out in outrage and then lost the guy.

But then as I was walking to the edge of town, I regretted walking out. I ended up in this shop at the edge of town, which was an interent cafe, run by Chinese people. They had a group of tourists, who were looking at a polish menu or something for internet prices - the shop had menus in different languages. I saw they were selling a toy for £3.50. (relevance?!) My intention was to use the internet to find this guy's number and say sorry, I didn't mean to do what I did.

Then somehow we both ended up in my car, with me driving, him in the front seat, and then he was saying to me, he was going to get the plane back to London. I said that was ridiculous, because I could drive me and him there myself.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

gifts from Gucci

Decided to write about some of my weird dreams, as my summer has thusfar nothing much to report...

I was in this mall, with five other girls of a similar age, though I knew none of them. It was sunny outside, and we were instructed by a Meryl Streep/Anna Wintour type person to choose any one thing we want from the Gucci store, and she would pay for it. It didn't matter how much it costed, and we had from 10am until 11am to pick something. So we were let loose in the store, which was quite big and open, and busy, and I started looking at the clothes. I saw this cream yellow bandeau dress, with flower detail on it and a full skirt, which was $1000 ish, and I asked P if it was nice, but we decided it was a no.

Then I went around the whole store, and saw a few things that were pretty but nothing I desperately wanted... and then I ended up in the make up department (even though Gucci don't do make-up). They also sold Estee Lauder make up, so I was using both brands, to make my face up. I had a MAC brush in my hand (from where it came from I have no idea)....

... and was using an Estee Lauder eyeshadow palette with blues and greens on it, and applied it to my eyelids, and then foundation and blusher. It looked quite good. This in itself is very strange. I don't usually wear make up, and have never used blusher and have no idea how to apply it.

And then I realised that the other five girls had picked stuff out, and Meryl/Anna had bought them for them, and they were patiently waiting for me by the exit. So after deliberation, I decided to get this Estee Lauder eyeshadow palette, with colors similar to this...

...except it had more colors (it wasn't a quad) and there were mixed colors, rather than complimentary colors.

So anyway, I got it, and somehow it ended up costing more than any of the other girls' items.

Gucci do not do make up, and I don't really like anything on their website. This bag was alright though...

Hope you're all well: sorry I've not been that good at keeping in touch thusfar. Watching Stephen Lynch's Live at the El Ray. Fecking hilarious.


Images: screenshots from my computer