Monday, May 25, 2009


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So, it has been a month of blog neglecting. University is killing me, I'm loaded with work, however the lack of motivation is always there. Last min starts, late nights, and endless pondering about when I'll finish an assessment. Only 2 weeks left of this pandemonium! Then I'll have my final exams, a month worth of holiday and round-up Semester 2 will progress shortly.

3 words.

I cannot wait!

Blog soon lovelies,

beauty like no other.

I'm crazy over the blog 4th and Bleeker! This chick, besides the overt perception of her beauty, her style of Aussie labels - Willow, Bassike, Romance was Born and love for Ellery dominates her pages with utterly alluring photography.
The shots are strikingly enticing. If you haven't done so, check it out at:

amplifying growth

The piercing blue eyes, porcelain doll-face, big hair and uneven teeth. Not to mention the vast amount of bodily piercings. Why is it that we sense she’s not just another blonde starlet.

Abbey Lee has come a long way.

Wasn’t it only yesterday she was modelling for small-end labels, appearing in various freelance magazines while exposing her inner Aussie-surfy chick image?
Swiftly, in less than 2 years.

Along comes supermodel stardom, adorned in D & G, photographed recurrently by Numero, and predominantly adored by the board of Gucci, we were given the opportunity to see more of her amazing stature.

Abbey Lee’s growth is indeed paramount, and yet we still sense there’s a lot more of her to come.

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paint me pink


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[style sightings]

I sit in absolute awe. Seemingly, I cannot fathom the sheer brilliance of this duo.

"yeah... literally!"

In summary:
-think I offended a friend today without meaning to; please know I did NOT mean to: it was a feeling I had. I felt all weirded out afterwards too :(
-just eaten 10 biscuits: my stomach feels funny
-can distinguish heart sounds... from a CD
-OSCE's soon: very busy... in fact, I've been "very busy" for ages :(
-have an annoying spot under my eyebrow... why won't it go awayyyy
-T - we need to talk. I want to ask you something! Loved the picture in your most recent entry


Friday, May 22, 2009

you told me that you just, just can't...

I got signed off today, finally, like, way later than the other firms. I had a huge rant about attendance and the 4 week attachment in second year... so Prof M was actually agreeing with what I was saying, and then asked me to write him an email so he had written evidence of what a student thought about that attachment, so he could use it against the UMO. So I got home and wrote, like, a 8 paragraph argument about second year firms and attendance.

Went to Starbucks again with R practising histories and medical stuff: I adore the place... it's just so... wholesomely American, and one of the American exports I agree with. I don't drink Starbucks coffee (or any coffee in fact), but I do eat their cakes and drink their hot chocolate. I once went on a date with a friend (if that makes sense.. basically, I think he was more into it than I was) and it was pouring down with rain, and so we ducked into a big Starbucks and just sat downstairs for like, 2 hours, without having bought anything, just chatting.

And so now that's what sitting downstairs in a Starbucks means to me... sitting and chatting with good friends. On the sofas.. that's got to be done. It's funny how I remember memories. I have a good memory for events and things that people have said, or done, and I connect songs with things they remind me of, or a particular time I remember when I was listening to it... or say, a friend reminds me of a certain thing, and so on.

I was talking with a friend about why I write here, and I pretty much concluded that whilst it's not very interesting, it provides insight.. there are always aspects of people you never see clearly, or that you don't know, and mostly, I'm not afraid to share things. It's my non-emotional-trauma diary.. I have a diary, a little book from Muji, which I used for a whole summer to help me work through my feelings (I sound so pathetic). I used to reread my old diaries, just skimming them, but I never read the Muji one: it brings back memories that I don't want, and it's kinda embarrassing too. And it was using that that made me realise that I write in a book my feelings when I'm very confused and mixed up.

Do you think it's a bad thing? That I talk about my life too much and in too much detail?

What else is new... I forgot to get suture thread from R. So R, if you are reading this, please bring them on Sunday? && good luck to people who have exams. I had a friend who got majorly distracted during exam time, and would talk to ANYONE who signed onto his MSN.

There was a college wide email today about swine flu... Basically, it was "wash your hands". Yes, I DO think it will recur in the autumn/winter, and if you're going to get it, the best time is to get it now. But what people fail to realise is that the normal influenza kills many people every year, and that doesn't get much press.

According to the political compass test thing, I have the same political views as Nelson Mandela... interesting. Especially, as I haven't any real political views.

Anyway... another rubbish entry. Sorry :(


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

you made it clear when you said..

Have such a messed up sleeping pattern :( I think I need P to regulate my lifestyle, just as I regulate his. Without him here, I stay up late doing work/writing blog posts. I eat really badly/very infrequent, my place is a mess, and I just... work lots, and have no life. And in turn, he eats badly (but not infrequently.. he just hits the sugar a lot.. in fact, I KNOW you're reading this, and I KNOW you're thinking about about the sugar you have eaten!!) and has erratic sleeping.

So anyway. There's just under a week to go until my OSCE's.. I am a bit worried, practicing lots and just.. going crazy with practice. Was in Starbucks with R this afternoon, and we talked through some stuff and talked lots, and so on, and then went to Wagamama's, where we were sat next to A and her friend, total coincidence! Sorry Aimi for not talking with you much :( I felt bad for wanting to intrude on your conversation with R... (I'm bad with names?) and so didn't. Please don't think I was being rude!

Short post today. I'm sleepy :(

Loveee this song. I know it's the same singer as the video a few posts ago.

Friday, May 8, 2009

please read and take note

I removed this post - my birthday wishlist from 2009 because I got most of the things from it, or variants thereof. Thankyou lovely people! xx

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Forever 21 has pretty clothes, kinda A&F/H&M-esque, but doesn't cost that much. But it costs loads to ship to the UK. I've spent half an hour trying to see if I can buy a dress off eBay or google. Sad I know but I want it. No such luck.


*uses google*

Oh. It's £40 including shipping. Hm. Can't buy the damn thing anything as my card is xenophobic.

Ah well. FINALLY, I sense my birthday wishlist finally forming!!

Also.. I love this song: I like this singer's voice :) Don't listen if you don't like it: it's a pop song from a few years back.