Thursday, July 30, 2009



Feel so old! I got a ring from my parents, some money (amount = unknown), a perfume bottle, two handbags, and I will be getting a phone sometime this summer. My friends got me some Swarovski earrings, a Hello Kitty toy, and a phone charm, and some M&S earrings. P got me a Body Shop spray, three dresses from Forever 21 and a Hello Kitty toy from the Sanrio store. So thankyou if you contributed to any of my gifts. I got messages on facebook and texts :)

I'll put some pictures up later on. They're on my phone.

Had a half day at the hospital, where I saw a baby boy being born! Had lots of food and cake and the like :) Had a half day today as well... well, I say half day. I finished at 10.40 as the rest of the list were locals, and so didn't need any anaesthetic input. A new Lidl opened up near where we live. Was very unimpressed. I do not like Lidl.

Last day of my anaesthesia elective tomorrow! It's gone by super fast, but I can say that in hindsight, I guess. At the time, it felt like, urgh 2 more weeks etc. I'll write more about what I thought of it at the weekend when it's all finished.

Had a weird dream this morning! I was sat around this table in a dark room, it was very badly lit, and there were many people around this table, mostly people I know. And it was a trial for a murder of someone, and I knew it was the little kid because he had burn marks on his right arm. I don't remember much else, but I was in a locker room, getting my stuff, and I saw one of the defendant party (guilty) who had ginger hair, who looked a cross between my friend (or old friend, as I have not talked to him for ages) F and I apologised to him for knowing the kid was the murderer. Weird.


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