Tuesday, August 4, 2009

now it's just a barfight

So I was in the Eurostar terminal, trying to get onto a train, with my school friends, and I was just following the group, except we were going onto the wrong platform, and we couldn't turn back and go back up - it was a moving flat escalator type thing, so we had to go down then round and all the way up. On the way, I saw L, who was laughing crazily, and said to C, "let's just say she's hysterical". So then I was kind of on some sort of school transportation, in Bury, at night time, and we were stopped at a traffic light, but it wouldn't turn green. So T stood up and said, let's walk it's not far, so I agreed and did so with her, but everyone else stayed put. So I was like, okay whatever, and so we started walking past Bury Market (apparently it's world famous) but it was the wrong way, and turned back.

At the traffic lights, I saw A, D, J and some other people, a mixture of school and uni friends, and so T and I hastened our pace to get to school. It was snowing, and we got split up near the town hall. I reached the school gate before T, and she came along, with a little hedgehog stuck on her leg. I then got some tissue and picked the hedgehog up with the tissue, and threw it out of the gate.

Then we went to sign the late book (at my school, we used to have a late book which every pupil had to sign if they were late) and I went to my first year classroom, which are the classrooms overlooking the road. I spoke to two of my best friends from school (I don't really keep in touch with them anymore. So they weren't really my best friends after all) and then got up and went downstairs to the art corridor, where I saw A, who said she had lived in New York and we caught up and started walking along the corridor, and suddenly ended up at the main entrance of the hospital where I did my anaesthesia elective. I bid her farewell, and told her to keep in touch better. At this point, it was really bright and sunny. Then I walked up the footpath, and was then suddenly driving up it in my car, with a guy in the front seat called R (not the one I know) except I was on the left, and he on the right. Then I parked somewhere, which was overlooking a nice view, and it was twilight again even though it had taken minutes to reach the top in my car.


My dreams are always so vivid, but I can never capture their essence properly when I write them here. My eloquence has been temporarily lost, as I have to wake up at silly hours every day. Isn't it dangerous to drive while yawning?


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