Wednesday, August 19, 2009

music is the food of love?

I usually don't mind giving out relationship advice... Usually, it's well taken, or politely ignored, and I feel honoured that people ask me stuff. But one of my friends is persistent in chasing a girl, using very weird methods.. or so it seems to me. So then we were talking about boys and girls being friends... and how he thought it wasn't true. Well, I think it is, partially. Because one usually suppresses their romantic feelings for the other, for the sake of their friendship. Believe me, I have seen it happen. Particularly if they're very good friends.

And so they are very good friends, best friends forever, so he says. So surely, why would they risk their friendship for something more? It's not particularly advised, because I think friendship means something different than a relationship. The dynamic is different. And so I've asked him several times why... he thinks he can enrich her life... that people say they should be going out... that they're best friends, and he's reading her facebook messages to try and figure out if she likes him or not. The latter most reason surely goes against their being best friends. Because she doesn't even know. Invasion of privacy?? Surely she is entitled to keep some secrets from him? Even best friends keep secrets, even boyfriends and girlfriends keep secrets.

And surely the way to woo a girl is not by grand gestures and buying gifts and sending things... to me, that implies that he's trying to buy her love or her affection, particularly from someone who claims not to be thinking of marriage and being all serious? I don't know. I just don't have a good feeling about that potential relationship and their friendship for that matter. What other reason is there for wanting to go out with someone, other than that you're best friends? I just can't see her going for it, and it won't last for a long time, as he hopes it will.

He's my friend and I've tried being patient, but I don't care for this courtship anymore. Just do it without telling me and let me know when you get together, okay? I don't agree with what you're doing and I don't agree with how you're going about it.

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