Friday, December 5, 2008

the journey is more important than the end OR the start

Finished the BSc Foundation course.. pretty much anyway... this week, and things seem to falling well into place. My exam is in the SAF... which is a place I've never had exams so it feels pretty weird. Practiced my presentation in one of the seminar rooms, and hopefully it should go OK on the day.

Been good on the whole work front this week. On Monday, I stayed in CX until 6. On Tuesday, I stayed in Hammersmith Hospital until 7.20pm then had to wait AGES for a bus :(:( Wednesday, I got through 3/4 of my lectures. Thursday, I did a tiny bit, and today, like 3 lectures as I went out...

Went to see Madagascar 2 today.. it was really funny and Mort, my favourite character was in it :D hehe, running away from a shark. The whole love stuff was a bit overdone, and it was a bit ripped off The Lion King, with Mustafa, but otherwise it was funny. I am very bad at being critical of films and the like though. I am easily impressed. The penguins and the lemurs were funny, though the "let them eat cake" reference was out of context.. to me.. as King Julian left them with Steve in charge... very random. I remember at the end of the first one, he gives his first crown to Alex, and has a new one with a lizard (or was it a gecko?) called Steve. Aww..

We went to Westfield beforehand... y'know, it's not all that. It's shiny and new and big, but I don't really like shopping malls like that. I feel trapped, and like I am going around in circles. And it's easy to get lost. Things like Oxford Street are soooo much better, because at least you can go out and see the real light. Don't get me wrong, having a mix of Topshop, Zara and Dior is amazing, and I love it, but it just gets boring. And I didn't know this before today, but apparently, La Senza have live models in their window displays sometimes. Now THAT is effective advertising if ever I saw one, as everyone has an opinion on lingerie.

P bought me two advent calendars yesterday :D because we have given up sugar, and he knows how much I want one this year, so I can eat the chocolates all in one go. Only thirteen days to go... XD

I know I have said it before, but I really want to go home. I miss being with my family so much, and I think it is a feeling that people in London do not really experience, as they live at home, or are very close to their family homes, so can go back when they wish. It isn't practical for me to go home for a weekend, so I go terms without seeing them. And I talk to my parents once a week on the phone but I miss them now :(

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