Saturday, May 21, 2011

i've got a rock and roll house

Not blogged much recently; study is taking a big priority, and I've just been so tired recently. On a critical care placement at the moment, which I am really enjoying, but I want to give a higher priority to my own study.  Met one of the coolest consultants ever whilst helping on a BBA course.  I got to have fake make-up applied to me, which made up 15% total body surface area burns.

Critical care is very interesting: almost considered it as a career, but I am not sure that it's for me to be honest.  Ward rounds at 8am are killing me: I have no idea how I left my house at 6.30am to go to my GP placement back in January, or how I stayed up for 38 hours for labour ward, but clearly I have been spoilt recently, as waking up at 7 is tough :(

Went to see Pirates of the Carribean 4 on Friday: Rotten Tomatoes had given it bad ratings, but usually I pay no attention to ratings.  I prefer to make my own opinion of films.  I enjoyed it a lot: the storyline had a lot of threads that came together at the end and there wasn't much backstory to a lot of the new things introduced, to be honest.  As a continuation of the third film, it doesn't really follow much at all except the map of the Fountain of Youth is in it, but it works as a standalone film.  Characters are meant to progress right?  There were a lot of funny lines, a lot of cool effects and it made for an interesting film.  Thought I spotted Amanda Seyfried as the mermaid but Wikipedia tells me I am wrong.  It was Gemma Ward. :(

Feel like I'm being pigeon holed into my film likes.  Went to see POTC4 with 2 of my friends, and they expressed surprise that I wanted to see the new X Men film (First Class).  I've seen the triology and I want to know what happens. Okay, of course I know what happens but I want to see how it pans out.

The reply was that I'm not into comics, which is true.  I would be the first to stand up and say comics don't "speak" to me like books or films do.  I mean, I watched Iron Man + Iron Man 2, Spiderman 1, 2 and 3, all the Batman tv series and films - okay, I can't currently think of any more comic book characters that have films - without knowing any of the back story at all.  (okay, except the first Batman film.  But that's because all the main bad people get together and do bad things to Batman and Robin.  Oh how times have changed.)

Apparently, I have a funny knack (note: FUNNY) of summarising film plotlines into one or two lines (according to the boyfriend).  I mean, maybe I just look for things in films that other people don't care so much about.  So yes, maybe people are right to know already what kind of films I want to see (it's worked so far.  Never seen a film I did not enjoy.  Except Burn After Reading.  That was rubbish) but most of the time, if I can't find someone to see a film with, I'll just wait and download it.

I think I just need to see these "guy" films with my boyfriend, like X:FC, Captain America: The First Avenger, Spiderman 4 : he's read comics in the past but is not totally au fait with the whole goings on so at least I won't feel stupid for not knowing who is a comic character and who isn't, and who is related to who, and also I enjoy his mocking commentary of adverts a lot and how they falsely represent whatever they are trying to advertise.  I am not saying girls can't enjoy them too, by the way.

I have complained at length at how I don't want to be seen as "one of the guys" and how sometimes I feel singled out as a girl, AT LENGTH, in the past.  I wrote about 5 paragraphs about it in this post, and then deleted it.  It's all there somewhere.  When I feel like this, I just say something about it to my boyfriend, and when he was away last year, I made a second blog (which is still up) to write about my feelings more freely.

On a more cheery note, I got gifts!  Made my night, it did.

Carol xxxx

PS. by "much", I mean more than a paragraph and "live".  Most of the time, they're prewritten from weeks ago.

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