Wednesday, June 22, 2011

an actual break will now occur


It's been a while.  The Gwyneth Paltrow post was the last of my scheduled posts, and I am taking time out of my revision time - actually feeling sick and pain in the whole right side of my abdomen, so thought I'd have a break - to take 5 minutes to let you know how I have been.

So my life has revolved around revision mostly, learning lots of things and consolidating knowledge.  I've been taken care of in the food department - the boyfriend cooks food and brings me treats like chocolate.  I feel like life is passing me by whilst I am revising - I started this academic year almost a year ago, and by the time it ends it will have been over a year.  Over 365 days.  I am not sure if that's even allowed, but there were a lot of differences made to the curriculum for this year compared to that of last year.  It's summer, this time last year I was at home watching Wimbledon, and working in the shop, and having long chats, watching England lose at football, and was at home with my family.  This year is totally different, both in a good way and a bad way.  I've become almost an honorary white person - I have gotten that pale!

Skyped with one of my really good friends last night - I've mostly not spoken to a lot of my friends, for several reasons.  Firstly, they're also revising and/or living their lives and/or have jobs.  Secondly, most of the time I can't find my phone, so email people a lot.  Thirdly, chat would revolve around revision and study - I just know it.  So skypeing last night was really lovely, just to have a chinwag and a bit of a gossip and a bit of a moan.  As our conversations usually are! :)

To all those having exams / awaiting results:

from google images


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