Monday, April 6, 2009

i wish you could feel, that my love is real

Hey guys. Sorry it's been a while since an update, or it feels like it. I feel like I am running on borrowed time, as I'm always tired, and I get a lie in, like once a week :( And so I get musculoskeletal pain, which I think is linked to my sleeping pattern and the way I sleep. Anyway.

It was R's birthday celebration yesterday in Covent Garden. Thankfully, he liked his presents.. we got him a toy helicopter (he's meant to work out he needs to get his own batteries), a Hugo Boss wallet that I quite liked, two bottles of Jack Daniels sauce that they do in TGI Friday's, a bottle of JD, and some M&M's. I think the group thought is now just to collectively collaborate on present buying, and leave the responsiblity to someone else. So it fell to M and I. I hate hassling people for money, but it's a necessary evil. They give you £10, and they feel like they have in some way contributed more than money, and you have money to spend on shiny things. I wonder what happens when my turn comes around? Anyway. We went on to Yates' where some things happened that I noticed and thought badly of, and P impressed (?) us with his dancing and rapping. I'm too old to go out on Sunday nights and wake up at 7 the next day. Yates' on Sundays isn't as good as Fridays, as there were loads of chavs and leeches there :S

I think some of my friends react badly in certain situations, and tend to dwell on the negative feeling. But to get hurt is the only way to learn I suppose. I want to say something but then I feel like I am interfering with their emotional maturation process. People need to work out why they feel like they do, and how to react to it. But I don't approve of going off to get a drink in order to cope with the situation, or if a certain person is there. I might have got the situation totally wrong, but I wouldn't have expected it.

It was a gorgeous day on Saturday; had final year teaching and an EMQ session, and then went to a cafe just on Earls Court Road, which was yummy :) Had an apple crumble and some baguette. Then we walked up to Holland Park, to the Kyoto Garden. There were some freak Japanese kids wearing freak cosplay clothes and taking pictures of each other, portraying scenes from a book. It was VERY odd.  Then we climbed around the waterfall, to sit at the top :)

I love that it's so sunny, but it's ever so slightly annoying when you have to stay inside :(

her lips are devil red and her skin's the color of mocha

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