Wednesday, April 8, 2009

she'll make you order fresh champagne

Had a thought yesterday that I am actually very ditzy.

On Sunday, M, P and I were in Caffe Nero, where we went to wrap R's birthday gifts, and I was asking him about praying and Patrick was like, where's Mecca? And I said, how does the compass know how to point to Mecca? (I mean, I do actually know that compasses point north, and you have to do some calculations in order to work out where Mecca is, from where you are in the world).

Went to Sainsbury's yesterday to buy pastries, and put them in the fridge. I only brought my pure over, usually I bring my bag. So it made sense to carry my purse back home in the Sainsbury's bag. Except my purse went in the fridge too. And I only realised like three hours later, upon opening the fridge.

Oh dear.


Dear sun,

Hello, it's so good to see you! Finally! It's great to see that you are indeed still shining, that's awesome, I don't need to tote my umbrella around so much anymore. Bonus, my back won't ache so much. But could you refrain from shining on days where you KNOW I have long work hours. It's just way too tempting :( You are very lovely, keep on shining. Our world depends on it. I mean that literally.

someone who likes the sun


Dear Boys Like Girls,

Please can you come back to England and do a tour? I sooo wanted to go last time you were here, but I was doing an on-call, and in retrospect, wouldn't have missed it for anything - it was so fun, but I adore your music. My blog is named after one of your song lyrics :) It's a song that never fails to cheer me up :D So.. you know, October/November would be cool! Oh, good luck with the new album!

a dedicated fan

PS. Please don't sue me because I've used your lyrics around my blog.


Dear X,

I had a very philo moment today, and it made me concerned that I still can't work out what our friendship means to me. I can't explain why you make me feel very.. confused, and you don't realise it.
Things happen, it's part of the learning experience. But I thought we were good friends, and I'm sorry I haven't kept in touch better :( We're both busy people, but it's nice to chat once in a while. But not of the "hey what are you up to? not much, you?" small talk variety; let's get past that. I don't even think you read this thing anyway, so the chances are I'll just keep feeling like this every so often and you'll never know. And I can't think of the words to say to you in person to tell you about this. I'm so lame :(

from your friend Carol


Dear Whole Foods Market,

Your store on High Street Ken is awesome, I love it, you have lots of free cheese everytime I go there. Everything looks so yummy and the baskets are cool. But why is your stuff so expensive? :( Organic does not mean expensive. American does not mean expensive. In light of the current "credit crunch", please would you reduce your prices, so that my boyfriend can buy us food for a nice dinner in, and not have a panic attack when he sees the price of the bill.

a concerned shopper


Dear sugar,

Increase your prices by epic amounts. It's one of the few ways that we are going to stop this obesity epidemic. Keep it in the countries that need it the most. The Western world is way too fat, and it's immoral and disgusting. Sugar is nice yes, but it isn't necessary. Obesity is a disease and it's going to be a huge problem very soon, even more so than it is now. How are we going to treat a nation of fat people who are too lazy to go out and walk, who are too lazy to walk to the end of the aisle in the supermarket to look for the healthier options? It makes me feel ill thinking about it,

love, a potential doctor in the making

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