Tuesday, June 29, 2010

a patchwork of emotion

I had about five minutes of anger/annoyance today... over something silly.  Basically, I wanted to print some stuff out, but my sister's laptop and mine seem to be not compatible, in that she uses Windows. (Hey, I'd put Linux on it if I knew how; I've got the discs and everything)  So her laptop wants to reformat my USB stick every single time she copies a film or some pictures for me.... gr... so I could access my files on Linux, but not on Windows.  It is silly things like this that make me eternally grateful that I don't use Windows, and its only redeeming feature is Microsoft Office.

Had to go into uni today, as I had scheduled an interview with someone... where I just rambled on and on, and I'm not entirely sure she got the idea.  It was very warm, and there were LOADS of people on the Queen's Lawn.  Possibly even more than during term time. (????)  Sorted some things out for university (starts on Monday... sob) and tried to avoid overheating.

I also discovered two Easter eggs in my cupboard!!!  They were right at the top at the back - this was probably so I did not eat them in one sitting.  I bought loads at Easter (by "loads", I mean 10) so now I can enjoy them, except they're melting.  But I hate eating cold chocolate.  Speaking of food, there is NOTHING in my fridge.  I am not entirely sure how I have been functioning these past few days.. what with my wrist sprain from opening a tin.

Anyway... check it outttt....

One of the best voices I have heard in a very long time.

Hope you are all well!

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