Thursday, July 1, 2010

collective maths A Levels?

These past few days, I haven't been feeling that good... I've stayed in a lot, out of the sun, and been reading through my pile of books.  At the start of the BSc year, I bought a pile of books and added to it throughout the year.  Now I just have 5 left to go.  I have also been sleeping a lot, napping during the day, hand washing my clothes - why didn't I do this before???  Probably because they take ages to dry.  I have also been watching some films, and writing a little bit on my other blog.  I watched Toy Story 3 and Shrek 4 last week, just before I left for London.  I highly recommend the former, the latter... not that much.  Tomorrow, I better get better, because I'm going to the Tate Modern with a friend, whom I haven't seen for 2.5 years, then coffee with T and then dinner with friends later.

During one of my many naps, I had a really weird dream, about some of my old school friends :/

I was in a church, except it looked sort of like a lecture theatre, with those pull down chairs and white thin desks in rows that get lower and lower as you go down the room.  They had those big glass windows, with coloured panes, and it was painted white and sort of rustic.  It was sort of for a Founders Day type ceremony (for my school, it was a celebration of the founding of the Boys School, which came before the Girls School), and we stuck a load of pictures onto the wall.. sort of, commemorative ones.  It was very brightly lit, and around me were my friends from school.. some I was close to, some I was not.  There was no service and there seemed to be some speaker who was telling us about his clothes store - I do actually know him in real life, although not that well.  He's doing GDL - and how they were different to normal sizing in the UK... here we have even numbers, like 12, 14, 16 etc. for women's clothing.

So he was like, okay I can see that the numbering might confuse you a bit.  If you tell me what your size is in normal UK measurements, I can translate that to those for my store.  So he went around the group - there must have been about 20 in total.  So eventually he came round to me, and I was trying to whisper my size(s) to him, but he couldn't here, so I was like, "fine. 4 and 6" (not that they are my sizes in real life) and they translated to 27 and 29.

I must have been the last one to ask, as then I turned to the wall and took down the pictures we had just put up onto the wall and passed them to my friends K and G.  We then left the church, and walked back to school.  On the way, we recollected that we had exams in the summer, but we had been let off class for study leave from the start of the Easter holiday.  S then said that this meant that we had half a term to revise for a few exams, like Biology and Chemistry and Maths.  This was a huge surprise to me, as I said to her, "I'M DOING MATHS A LEVEL??!?!!!" to which she calmly replied "yes".  K and G and F also forgot they had Maths A Level exams, but the S told us that the viva we had just been for (yeah, somehow the group non-service/chat/conversation turned into a viva) was the only thing we needed to come to school for, for the rest of the year until exams.

I think the shock of finding out I was doing dream Maths A Level shocked me into waking up. :/


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