Friday, July 9, 2010

not worth the aftermath, after that....

For those of you not in the know, I started class on Monday.  It was lovely to see everyone and to catch up.  Lectures are a little bit intense, what with much detail and long hours.  It is very sunny and I would dearly love to be outside in the sunshine, but I get back and I am so drained.  I've been sleeping really badly, after 12.30 every night, because of work and domestic type issues.  I have many bruises :(  I must just kick myself in my sleep.  Uncool.

Trying to dress all summery but the heat is not fun.  Trying to avoid using the tube where possible.  I walk to college every day and back or try to.  This whole week has sort of blurred into one, but there have been some very good moments.

I love learning things about my friends, so we had a very vague game of truth or dare, which I quite like in alcohol form, with more truth and less dare.  D and I had a very good reminisce of my most embarrassing memory.  it made me cry with laughter.  I don't believe anyone who says they've never had an embarrassing memory.  There are a lot of things in the past that I am not wildly proud of, but I'd share them if I felt it appropriate and if someone asked me. Then we shared our worst received presents.  I hate hate hate getting photo frames.  I don't get photos printed out in real life much any more and I have no room to put them!  I hate getting cheap candles; I've done lots of internet searching for good quality candles, to buy for myself and to give as gifts.  Candles have a very unique niche in gift giving.  They can either say "look I made some effort but this is still a generic gift" or it can have meaning.  I love candles I buy for myself, it's a very personal thing.  I dislike receiving bath sets, like with body lotion and shower gel.  Hello, are you trying to say I smell?  I can buy my own lotion and shower gel.  I want gifts with meaning!

As a side note, I do actually feel really selfish asking people for stuff for my birthday.  I make a wishlist every once in a while, but then go through phases of wanting them but they disappear.  Thus, the wishlist is small and the things on it are things I would buy for myself anyway.  But I like getting gifts.  Maybe it's in my spoilt nature... -_-

Buying gifts for girls is a lot easier than for boys.  For girls (in general, not me specifically), you can get clothes, gift vouchers, perfume, jewellery, food, girly stuff.  Except I would hate any of these unless I'd asked for them!  Boys are very hard to buy for.

I still can't decide whether I want to celebrate my birthday with my friends or not this year :/

Then we talked about whether or not we were physically disciplined as children.  My parents never ever smacked me.  Sure, I got told off, but I know my parents never hit me.  I believe there are better ways of showing your children that what they are doing is wrong.  Maybe it's the younger sibling thing.... I suppose I get away with more too.

I have missed the banter between my friends and I.  Granted, a lot of the time, I am being made fun of, but hey... after all, someone has to be the ditzy one!


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