Friday, July 16, 2010

further consolidation that reindeer are real

50% done with Pathology.. sort of scary how quick it has gone!!!  Had many fun 'laugh until I cry moments' this week - I love my friends.  Today, I was telling I about places to go and visit, and she didn't know where many of them were, and A went, "you can go to Iceland and see Father Christmas and his reindeer and ride in his his sled!"  She insisted that someone had told her this in all seriousness, and this then sparked off a whole long conversation interspersed with much laughter, about Lapland, Iceland, poor knowledge of geography, Father Christmas and where he lives (if he's real.. which he isn't), my finding out that reindeer are actually real (only found out 2 years ago) and clinics in the Antarctic.  Hehe.   ♥  As you can tell, a lot of the conversations we have are very random and probably nonsensical to people not participating in said conversation, but it provides much needed light hearted relief.  And it's nice to know I don't have the monopoly on the ditzy prize.

Apparently, reindeer ARE real.  I have never seen one in real life, so this may just be a conspiracy.  They weren't there that time I went to London Zoo.

In other news, P is in Hawaii, doing touristy stuff and some adventure sports.  It will be a miracle if he stays within his 'holiday' allocated budget.  I spent some time yesterday looking for a hair color dye to change to and, after a lot of deliberation, found one.  Other than that, I have a big sleep deficiency.. only sleeping 6 hours a night (compared to my past 8 or 9 hours) :/  And I have too much to do to pay off the sleep debt :(

Hope you are all well!

PS. There's a make up range which makes a moisturiser I had about 5 years ago, and never been able to find it since.  Now I know the answer - I must go to Italy to buy it..?!?!!!!!!

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