Friday, July 2, 2010

letter writing

Saw this letter thing on someone's tumblr, which looks to me sort of like a twitter blog.  You have to write a letter to someone every day, but I probably won't do it /every/ day.
In such a flaky mood today.  I dislike hot flushes very much.. I dislike all the stuff that comes with being of the sex that reproduces... and the weather isn't helping the flushes :(

So.. here we go.  Letter numero uno!

Day 1: to your best friend
I have several best friends.. who are each my best friend in different ways, and for different reasons...  I don't think I need to tell them how much they mean to me.  I love them each in their own way, and I love that they are all very different to each other.  It reflects different parts of my personality.  If I bothered using speed dial, each of these people would be on it.  There are people in life who you regard as acquaintances.. people you say hello to but the conversation doesn't go much past that.  There are friends with whom you have fun, but are not in your life all the time.  And then there are best friends, who know lots about you, and don't judge you (much.  Hey, the human nature is secretly judgemental).  So I would like to tell each of my best friends: thank you.. for being there for me when I need you... and I suppose I have needed each of you in my own way in the time I have known you.

F, you've been my friend since I was 9, I love you dearly and surely and you are my partner in crime, il y a photographic evidence! I held Matt Dillon's hand and I believe you got Jude Law to wave at us... who said we didn't live a glamorous life?!??!
S, thanks for being the voice of reason time and time again when I have been a bit crazy over various things, you'll never know what it means to me!  I am so proud of your achievements; there is no saner person than you.
A, you are lovely and I am so glad I know you - this seems like a generic thing to say, but believe me when I say it isn't.
I, if ever there was a "carol" imprint in a person, it would be you!
M, everyone deserves their rights to have secrets, thank you for keeping mine and for being there at a time when I didn't really have anyone... I hope I have done the same for you
A, sometimes I despair of you, but I don't think I would if I didn't consider you one of my best friends!  For your faults, you have ten fold great qualities.
R, as the one from this list most likely to read this, I shall just say: one of the most intelligent people I know... the highest compliment that I could give to you.
P, no explanation necessary.

your friend Carol

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