Saturday, October 16, 2010

there's something going on anywhere i go tonight

It has been a very full week this week, and I've been really glad to have a lie in :-)  I don't even know what it has been, but this week just seems to have been very hectic.  I am a little sad my Psychiatry attachment is over in 2 weeks; it seems to have flown by.

One of my friends spent a lot of money a few weeks ago for several reasons - nothing bad - and we were talking about money management, in a sort of roundabout way.  He told me he had £80 to live off for 12 days, and wasn't sure how he would manage it.  I am not sure if it is due to my thriftyness or frugality (?) but I am fairly sure I could manage on that amount for that length of time? (rent excluded)  Non rent shaped money just goes on travel and food, and then entertainment related things if there is money left over.  I just didn't understand why he thought he wouldn't be able to manage on that amount for so short a time.  Maybe people spend a lot more than me on things in general.  I buy lots of supermarket own brand things because it's cheaper and often it is a lot healthier too, but it still comes to a normal amount that you pay for food - I think I just buy a lot of it.

I try to budget every week, and unless I need to buy a travelcard for the month, I usually manage alright.  I would not say that money is there to be spent, and I do not think that experience of having no money makes you more likely to spend it more.  I do NOT come from a rich family, whatever things may seem like.  My family does NOT have much money, and the money that I do have has come about from lots of saving, and not buying expensive things, not spending more than I need to on things and being smart with investing.  Money I have to spend on things I like comes about from me budgeting for myself, and being strict with myself about spending on certain things.

So whilst I might /want/ a Vivienne Westwood purse or a bag from ASOS or whatever, these wants are mostly fleeting, and I realise it would not bring me much enjoyment from buying these things, as I could have spent the money better.  I do think that growing up in an enivronment where the importance of money is made very clear from a young age is hugely beneficial - the things I have wanted / needed in the past that cost a bit of money have come at a price.

Whilst I sometimes lament the fact that I don't get physical gifts for my birthday or for Christmas, I then think that there isn't anything I would want anyway.  Now I am (in body) an adult, I feel as though I am responsible for buying the things I want for myself, and so I usually only ask for things from my parents rarely, and if I can't afford it, or if there has been some special occasion, like A Level results.  But not receiving physical gifts is fine now... I haven't gotten anything for Christmas for 5 or 6 years now, except gifts from P... I like getting gifts but it does not bother me that I don't get things.  I would never ask for something from my parents for Christmas, unless it was something I /needed/ as opposed to 'wanted'.  For the things I like, if I feel as though I can afford it, then I buy it for myself, as a gift for myself.  I bought my own birthday gifts, I can buy myself something little for Christmas.

Christmas is becoming more and more and more commercialised every year, and soon children will only associate this time of year with getting gifts, rather than what it actually means.  Because I am not a Christian, the Christmas period now means a time when I can go and see my family - a rarity in itself.  I value that significantly higher than any physical thing I could ever receive.  I don't like how stores are putting out their Christmas things out so early, trying to get people to buy things.  Christmas is NOT about spending crazy amounts of money.

Without the need to preface this paragraph, as I think I have addressed it elsewhere, I don't like to be told, 'oh, you won't like 'x' because you're a girl'.. well, why don't you ask me my opinion first before you assume what I think about it?

And lastly, hope you're all well!  Time for bed now!

Carol xx

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