Friday, November 19, 2010

"Love me when I least deserve it, because that's when I really need it" - Swedish proverb

Body image is a very big thing for people as they are growing up; they become more aware of who they are and how they relate to the world.. how they are seen, how they fit in and so on.

I feel as though the media has too much a pervasive command of people's thoughts, by promoting a certain body shape.  The ideal body shape changes with time and is different in various cultures.

It is this control that makes it hard for me to talk about how I feel, and to share with people what I think.  It bothers me that I get preoccupied with my body image sometimes; this is one of the things I am most reluctant to talk about with my friends.  National health education schemes push an anti-obesity and anti-too-thin approach and this makes it hard for me to speak freely about how I feel; I am worried about being judged.  Largely, I don't care what people think yet I feel like this is some sort of taboo topic.

I can't remember if I have mentioned this already, but a few weeks ago, a friend once said he felt about something the way I felt about obesity.  This hurt me a bit, and I have not brought it up since with this person.  This is for several reasons; I haven't felt brave enough to bring it up and I'm not sure whether I care enough to bring it up.... Even though they may have meant it trivially, I am not sure whether I care enough about this person's opinion enough to want to encourage them to be a little bit more open minded.

The way I feel about obesity, and in fact, all weight issues, is because I have problems with the way my body looks.  I fluctuate along a fine line of "dealing with it" but sometimes I have a dip :(

I will probably remove this post in a few days; I can't decide how I feel about publishing it.

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