Saturday, November 13, 2010

there is a fracture

Started my third rotation of the year, and it has had me very very incredibly busy.  I wrote this post on Saturday whilst watching The X Factor on my downtime.. I was busy last week for various reasons, and this week just gone has had me settling into the new stuff: Musculoskeletal and Dermatology.  This covers Orthopaedics (bones / fractures / joints) and Rheumatology (which focusses on diseases concerning the muscles and joints) and Dermatology, which covers skin diseases.  Their links may be seen as tenuous, but I suppose that the point of us doing them all together is that they belong together (somehow).

I confess that I have heard of the stereotypical orthopaedic surgeon (as there are many stereotypes of the different medical specialities) and this seems to have been popularised by those teddy bear animated videos, such as the first video in this post (I actually prefer the teddy bear ones.  Any other xtranormal kind is frankly substandard).  When I did anaesthesia, I knew that orthopaedics used X rays a lot, which is why I know I could never do it.  I cannot wear one of those X ray gowns for a long time - it makes my whole body hurt.  But I suppose I never really appreciated why they needed X raying, and why they did it so often.  Being in surgery has actually been a lot better than I thought it would be - orthopaedics in general is shaping up to be a lot better than I had imagined.

My new favourite thing to make me laugh is DPBP.  Hilarious.  My favourite ones so far have been,
"Dear Noah, we could have sworn you said the ark wasn't leaving til 5. Sincerely, unicorns"
"Dear Snow White, you were supposed to learn from my mistake! Sincerely, Eve"
"Dear grocery sacker guy, Yes that's it.. All the fragile stuff at the bottom and the heavy things on top.  Just like that... Perfect. Sincerely, broken eggs and smashed bananas"

Okay, got to go lie down... feeling rubbish now.

Hope you are all well!

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