Saturday, August 14, 2010

i need you like a heart needs a beat

A lot of my posts are queued up from when I have spare time.. a lot of my writing happens on Friday and Saturday nights/early mornings, which I sort of have as my time to catch up with the social media, to write blog posts, to watch tv shows on my computer and feel a bit less guilty about doing so.  Much of my work pattern stems from my school work habits.  Particularly when I was in 6th form, it was as if I was an only child for much of the term as my sister was at university.  I'd try and get all my work done on Friday night (for some reason) so I could enjoy the weekend.  I've not been feeling that well this weekend so been taking a bit easier and am spending a lot of time in bed reading magazines.

I'm on a Paediatric attachment at the moment, and have spent this past week in community paediatrics.  "Paed" means 'child' in Greek, I believe, and the 'iatro' part means medical caused, or doctor, or treating.  I studied Latin for 2 years, and 'paed' has an analogous meaning, and I can sort of see why people might think "paediatrics" is a Latin derived word.  I loved studying languages, and I wish sometimes that I had kept them all up.  People ask me sometimes what I would do if I wasn't doing my chosen degree.  I would have to say it would be something to do with French.  I loved studying it and I try to keep some French vocabulary in my normal vocabulary, which is why some of my texts have French words in.

Anyway, community paediatrics has been very interesting, a real eye opener.  Previously, I wasn't aware of the community's role in the holistic care of the child, and there are many people behind the scenes involved in a child's care.  It's a bit heartbreaking to see children's illness firsthand, in a chronic longterm sort of way.  We all have ideals and ways that we think things should be.  We saw some cases where foster carers were bringing their children into clinic, with varying results.  I find it hard to believe that someone could neglect their child, although the reasons are often multifactorial.

Studying Paediatrics also allows me to see patterns linking behaviours, and the like.  I can't really explain this without giving examples which would reveal who I am talking about.  Reading psychology and thought process books has not been in vain - it has real life applications.. at least for me!

P's secondary supervisor's wife is from Brazil, and she is a paediatrician.  He says it makes her more paranoid about the symptoms that her children have.  I think I would be like that.  I don't think I could marry a (medical) doctor.  Whilst it is good to find a vocation that you enjoy and that does not become your whole life, it's beneficial to escape from work life a little bit sometimes, and I think by marrying a medical doctor, it would keep me more in the mindset of work more often.  I don't want to burn out.. even now there are days when I just want to be lazy and not dress up and just lounge around in my tracksuit bottoms and a tank top and tie my hair up in a bun and sit in bed with some books.  Another good point of dating someone who's not a medic is that I have the ability to bring something to the relationship.  Many of you who know me know of P's stories and all his experiences, and it is concentrated when we are together.  So it is good that there is something that I can teach him.

The weather has been very on and off of recent, which bothers me as I don't react well to fluctuations in temperature.  I think I just respond to temperature badly anyway, I find it hard to adjust my body temperature to that of my environment.  And I can't work out if it's better for me to be too cold or to be too hot.  :/

Been reading 'Generation Kill' which is by Evan Wright, a reporter who was with Rolling Stone during the Iraq War *cough*.  I am not sure if he still works there, but to my knowledge, the TV series was faithful to the book.  And also, Wright was allowed such insight in exchange for not using his satellite phone to stay in contact with his editor.  But I think it's one of those books that benefits from having a TV series.. and the fact that I have already watched it makes the book for easier understanding.  Because of its faithfullness, it doesn't matter which one I read/saw first.  Normally, military/combat type stuff is not for me, as I get jumpy and don't enjoy suspense.  (I had to read the full synopsis of the first 2 seasons of 24 before we watched them, with everything broken down so I wouldn't get jumpy when stuff actually happened.  Not proud of it, but I soldiered on so P and I could watch them together)  Been sleeping a lot worse than usual, but feeling less tired.  I must stop napping during the day.

In other news... I'm getting a bit excited about graduation.  I know it is still a while off yet though....  Been watching SATC for the past 5 or 6 weeks.  It caters to the typical girl, and I refrained from watching it for so long for no real reason.. so I decided to start watching it.  It basically revolves around 4 women and their (dys)functional relationships; it lets me laugh/cringe at their mistakes or relationships, and reminds me how good I have it.  Been instructed to watch True Blood, which I thought I downloaded over the summer.... Obviously not as I cannot find it, unless it's hidden in another file.  Of all the 110GB of things I downloaded (seriously no idea how this happened), I must have downloaded it, right?  I made a list of things I wanted to watch and I'm 90% sure TB was on it.  There's also Being Erica, Accidentally on Purpose, Scrubs, Jane Eyre, Rome, Merlin, The IT Crowd.... and many other films.

It's a bit weird to go from seeing my friends every day during the Pathology course to just once or twice a week if that.  So glad I have free texting so I can keep in contact with them.  Otherwise, I'd get friend deficient.  A lot of meetings are chance encounters or finding out we're based at the same site that day or whatever.

R and I were talking about TV shows and characters who were like our friends last night... It moved from Scrubs to The Big Bang Theory... and it made me think, there are lots of TV shows whose characters are ones we can relate to, as they are like ourselves, or like people we know.  Friends is a good one as it covers many aspects of personalities, so that people can have Joey traits or Monica traits or whatever.  Very interesting.  We started watching The Ugly Truth, but generally, I find it hard to like Gerard Butler's characters in films he has been in that I have seen.  So then we started watching Burn After Reading which was a bit serious, and felt like two separate films with tenuous links and I felt like it was trying to hard to tick the right boxes for "what makes a good film".  I think we stopped when George Clooney finds out his wife wants a divorce, and I'm not sure I'd watch the rest.  Then we watched Scary Movie 2, which is a film that requires no thought and no need to concentrate.  I think I need to not drink when I'm trying to watch a film.  Or when I'm trying to walk.

Love this song: Rob Thomas looks so different!

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