Wednesday, August 25, 2010

you are a trendsetter

Today has been purposefully unproductive.  I've been feeling a bit ill for the best part of the past three weeks.  First of all, there was the temperature + dry cough for a week.  Then I ate something strange or a bit off, and had bad stomach pain for a while (I've only had bad food poisoning once, but I get it often if I don't cook something properly) and this weekend just gone I have been feeling like I am burning up with a fever, then had the shivery and feeling faint stage a couple of days ago.

So I had today as a sort of 'do a little bit of productive stuff but have a rest' day.  I had a random memory of Tia from CGGB assigning me a letter from a post she did AGES ago, from which I had to think of six (or seven? or am I making it up?) things beginning with that letter I liked.

I don't really remember the specifics, but I felt like doing it today.  My letter was 'V' so here we go, with some tenuous links....

1. Vivienne Westwood... so quintessentially quirky. I love her as a designer; her dresses are always a bit crazy and kooky, but I love it.  The shop at World's End has a beautiful design too, and I used to love walking past there, looking wistfully in as I don't go into shops if I can't afford things in them.  But now I want some VV shoes, maybe I can make a special trip there!!

2. Vintage dresses - very tenuous link.  I tried on both these dresses in the 'vintage' section of the flagship Topshop.  That's my link.  I love dresses.  I would wear them allllll the time if it were feasible and I could afford to get more.

both these images are my own!

3. Vanilla smelling things remind me of lazy evenings in, burning candles and waking up in the morning to have the room filled with vanilla-y smell.  It also reminds me of fun shopping trips, and the summer.  I also have a vanilla spray thing I use sometimes instead of perfume which I love.  Although vanilla tasting things.... not so sure.

4. Vodka... need I say more, really

5. Vampires - tenuous link to TVD and Twilight (and possibly True Blood when I get round to watching  it)

6. Vacations - I love going away, or seeing my family or having real down time.  Sometimes I wish I could just escape my life for a weekend and fly away.

7. Velvet cake... just look at these and get virtual diabetes.  Or at the very least, tiny hunger pangs.

8. Vogue.  Again, need I say more really.  If I'm feeling sad or low or ill, one of my favourite things to do when I am on my own is to read magazines in bed and eat huge bars of chocolate... it's one of my guilty pleasures.

9. Velvet ... I'm usually not a person who likes texture-y things but I like velvet and satin-y feeling things.  But then other times...

All images from google images, except the two of me, which are my own.

xo xo

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