Sunday, January 9, 2011

i don't care what they say

So as usual, there's always a huge lapse between my posts where I talk about my daily life.  It's the last day of the Christmas holidays today, which was something I needed very much.  At first, it was odd having a break (as I am always someone who likes to keep busy or keep doing something even during down-time) but then I got used to it, and being at home and having family time and being able to eat what I want without having to go to the shop to buy it, and have my clothes washed etc.  I always maintain that it is a very good experience to live away from home, fully, without being in easy travelling distance of being near your parents/family, because then it forces you to look after yourself, and work out how to use those machines in your house that your family always took care of, like the washing machine and the oven etc.  

Maybe it's just in my stereotyped role, but I always thought washing machines were fairly self explanatory.  I am in no way boasting about my domestic abilities, by the way.

My holidays have been spent studying, having fun, being cold and trying not to eat too much food.  I think that everytime my parents see me, they think I have lost weight.  I suppose that's just what they expect, as I don't have conventional eating patterns.  Anyway, having six months of study and constantly being busy... it felt weird at first to have all this free time, but I've gotten used to it - I needed it.  And now I have that 'last day of the holiday' feeling.. I don't feel ready to go back to school, but I guess that's just because of all the time off I have had!  Before I left at the train station to come back to London, I met up with one of my best friends, and we had a really good but too brief chat.  She now works for the Office of National Statistics, and she was telling me about meeting Ray Mears - she came top in her year for her subject at her university.

I had a bizarre dream this morning too.  I've not written about one in a while, so I thought I would now.  I was in my school cafeteria, where everyone had to go for lunch unless they were in the sixth form, with one of my friends who I saw during the holidays, and some old friends from school who I no longer keep in touch with.  We were buying lunch, and one of my friends, K, with whom I had some academic rivalry when I first knew her, but then we did different subjects and moved in different friend circles.  She asked me to get my book on SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus - a multisystemic disease, which is quite rare, but often you see manifestations of the disease in a mild way in some rheumatology clinics.  It is quite interesting, and is often used in exam cases) for her from my locker, which was just outside the cafeteria room, so I went and unlocked it, but for some reason, I pulled out a green book, and I thought it was the SLE book.  So I went into the food area (where K was) and put the book on her tray.  We went to sit down, but one of my friends wasn't happy with where we were sat for some reason (?) and made us move nearer to the windows and told us where to sit, in a certain configuration, which made her happy to do so.  K came to sit with us, and she realised that the book I had given her was not the SLE book (which was orange); she'd noticed it was the green book which I absent-mindedly pulled from my bag in my locker - it was my Psychiatry book instead.  I didn't feel like getting up to get the book she actually wanted, and she got a bit angry and, I guess, through the power of her negative thought, 'sent' me to a hospital clinic....

I'm starting with a GP rotation, which I feel a bit apprehensive about, more than starting the  other attachments I've done thusfar, but hopefully it will turn out to be okay.  Mine is a bit far away, so I am not looking forward to 8am starts, but I've done it before, so it should be fun.

Hope you've all had a good start to 2011... there are a lot of things to look forward to.  Lots of stories to come, films to see, places to go.. it should be good.

Carol x

PS. Do you remember these songs???  I've been listening to old songs for a few days; they bring back many memories. (by old, I mean 9 or 10 or more years)

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