Wednesday, March 30, 2011

our memories, well they can be inviting

I heard these two songs recently, and they made me feel old.. but somehow, not in a bad way.  I remember these songs from a long long time ago (Wikipedia tells me they are from 1996/7).  I can never explain what I mean when I say I connect songs with a certain memory.  There are some songs that evoke memories for me, and I can 'see' myself in this memory.. I suppose the music acts as a stimulant for the memory, so that I remember it, like an audio part of the memory.

This song was out around the time when there were some relatively big changes in my life, and decisions leading to them.  This is one of the songs I remember watching and I see it as a 'bridge' between the life I had and the life I went on to have (not that there was a huge distinction.  In my mind, there was anyway).

I will always like this song :)

Not all that unexpected for a preteen girl, I loved all the boy and girl bands of the 90's (most of them anyway). There seemed to be doing lots of crazy dancing and singing... a hallmark of manufactured boybands, with loads of screaming girls.  For example, Backstreet Boys... even with these relatively slower songs, they were still swaying and "dancing" :S so I suppose now they've grown up, they can't do that anymore.  I find it weird listening to "I want it that way" like this now: I recently found a punk version of it, that seems to have replaced the original for me.

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