Saturday, March 19, 2011

shot like a falling star

1. What do you think you can do but can't?
I think I can be quiet.  Not really true.  I have a way of walking, especially when I'm going to hospitals, that makes me noisy.  When I go to the library, I make lots of noise initially when I am getting things out of my bag.... I also have no 'indoor' voice.

2. What's a difficult word for you to pronounce?
"encephalopathy" and "satiated".  Not entirely sure why, as written down, they look like they're easy to say.  Well, not so much for me.

3. What is a favorite TV show from your childhood?
To be honest, I didn't watch that much TV when I was younger.  I remember the Queen's Nose though.  I loved that TV show.  I remember there was a character called Melody, or Melanie, and she was the sister of the main characters.  It was based on a book by Dick King-Smith, whose books I loved when I was much younger.

4. What are your virtues and vices?
I can't believe I have to look up what they mean.  Let's take 'virtue' to mean "something admirable about yourself" (google definitions).  I suppose... I am organised and I remember dates and names quite well.  I motivate myself well and recognise when truly I cannot motivate myself (as opposed to not being bothered to motivate myself in the first place).  I like to talk, and I suppose I always have something to say (not sure if that's admirable or not).
Let's take 'vice' to mean 'bad habit or weakness' (google definitions).  I eat too much cake / chocolate.. I rarely look both ways when I am crossing a quiet-ish road - I rely on my hearing to know if a car / cyclist is coming by.  I have picked up a lot of bad driving habits, which most people do after they pass their test.  I also don't eat properly / much.

5. What's more important: love, fame, power, or money?
It may come as no surprise, but I actually believe that love is the most important of these four.
I have no desire to be famous, I am happy being who I am and doing what I do.  I don't like the way the media portrays famous people, and they pick up on every single detail.  I could never be in the public eye like that.  Fame can have negative connotations, and this is what bothers me when you read the newspapers / online media.
I have no desire for power, because I would hate to be in charge of a state / country / company.  Whatever decision you make, it affects some people, even if just a minority.  I am not one for wanting to have control over everyone and everything, and I believe that there are some people better suited to power, those that think they are suited to power and those that are not suited to power.
Money is not that big of an issue - I can live comfortably within my means, and even though it would always be nice to have extra money, I would feel guilty because people can benefit from a large sum of money better.  For example, we were talking about the Lottery the other day - I have long held strong ideas about what I would do I won a large sum of money.  I would keep some for myself to buy a house and go travelling, and then donate a part of it and give the rest to my parents.
So, in the end, love is most important.  I have a lot of it in my life, from my parents and family, from my friends and from my boyfriend.  It is not something you can physically hold or physically define: it is an emotion that brings people together. I would hate to have no love at all in my life: I would see myself as being lonely and sad.

6. If you could live in any era/time period, when would it be and why?
I would absolutely love to live during the Regency Era.  I see it as a very old fashioned glamorous period (for the wealthy).  I know little bits about history, and this period appeals to me greatly.

7. If you had to redo your entire wardrobe with 2 stores, what would they be and why?
My wardrobe consists of many Primark clothes, and various others from many different stores.  I feel like Primark has gone downhill a little bit, the quality of some of their things is not as long lasting.  Hm... so I shall pick... H&M and Topshop: not that expensive and there's always something in there that I want!
Edit: I actually want ASOS in there.  So ASOS + other shop of current fancy.

8. Can you recall what you were doing a year ago on this day?
Hm.  19 March 2010.  Let me consult my blog....  I wrote a post on 20 March 2010.  In all truth, I don't remember exactly what I was doing, but I was probably had lectures, saw friends and watched a film.  The post I have linked explains what I was doing this time last year.

9. Do you have reoccurring dreams? If so, explain? 
I do actually, but I don't really want to write about them here.  I often write about my dreams, if they're interesting, or if I need to gain some sort of closure from them.  My dreams can be very odd, and I feel as though (as silly as it sounds) that they show me something about my life or something from the past or from the future, and it helps me to process what has happened if I write about it.  And sometimes those writings make it to published blog posts.  I have one most often recurring dream; it unsettles me everytime I have it, so I would rather not write about it here.

10. What's your horoscope?
I am a Leo.  I googled what my sign means.  There is a very long description of my zodiac sign on  Whatever you read, it is vaguely and loosely true, but not wholly.  I am also a Dragon in the Chinese Zodiac, which I affiliate with more than the 12 starsign way, probably because of my upbringing.  Again, a lot of the descriptions for Dragons are very similar to the way I am.

11. What does your dream bedroom look like?
Spacious, warm and light.  Not too much clutter but enough room for my things.  Also, calming.

12. What position do you sleep in?
On my back.  It's the most comfortable and it's better for your skin.  I don't understand how other people go to sleep on their sides... or on their front??  I know I'd find it hard to breathe if I kept sleeping on my front.

13. Who is your favorite vampire of all time?

14. What are you currently wearing on your feet?
Nothing... I don't wear anything on my feet when I'm in my flat.

15. Do you have neat handwriting? Show us!
Haha, no I don't.  It's passably legible at the best of times.  It depends how fast I need to write.  This was normal speed....

Carol xxx

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