Monday, April 25, 2011

so what have i actually been up to?

Short answer: not really all that much!

I can't even remember the last time I wrote a post about what I have been up to.  All the random picture posts got in the way, which usually indicates that I have nothing to talk about but I wish to "write" a blog post. Read: copy pictures and put them in a post but add credits so I don't get told off by the internet.  But in all seriousness, it's been Easter and I've been getting my revision on.

After searching and scrolling, this was my last post about my life.  Hm.. almost 2 weeks ago!  Today is the last day of the Easter holiday and I always have that "end of holiday downer" feeling, where I feel a bit low and not really wanting to go back to university.  Of course, it passes but it is hard to shake off!

Went to Bath - undecided about whether or not to write about it.  It was a lovely break, very much needed.

Spent most of my time indoors with my books and bits of paper, pens scattered everywhere.  Had a period of 4 days where I didn't leave the house at all - a little odd but I preoccupied myself with study. :/  Been drinking loads of water.  When I was younger, maybe 6 or 7 years ago, I used to drink about 3 or 4 litres a day, but stopped because I kept feeling weak (electrolyte imbalance).  Been drinking a similar amount recently, but the feeling weak part hasn't really bothered me because I just sit around most of the day anyway.

Finally decided to unprotect my tweets - been very fickle over this matter, haven't I!  I've got nothing to hide.  Been thinking about what to do with Live Below The Line (living on £1 or less a day for 5 days foodwise) and trying to come up with things I can get that will total £5 but also keep me going through the week.  Also realised it is my boyfriend's postgraduate graduation ceremony right in the middle of it, and not sure whether to have that day off then just carry on one day past the 5 day challenge.  Hm.

So... as you can see, I've really not had that much to write about!

Carol xxxxx

from tumblr search for "sun feifei"

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