Wednesday, April 13, 2011

two can keep a secret if

In reference to my twitter, I locked it for a while, so I had time to go through it and remove tweets pertaining to my friends / personal information, and to avoid any drama.  Now satisfied that I won't post anything with anything that would easily identify my movements / where I go / what I do etc.  Still unsure about protecting the tweets though (that's what it is called)... I am a bit mercurial about this point.  I need direction.

I feel that being at university, it sort of prolongs your state of not grasping the full concept of what it means to be an adult.  I have mentioned before that I see adult life being one where you pay taxes, and have a pension and are making serious decisions about the future.  I feel like that phase of adulthood is coming upon me soon, and so it's lead to me bringing up the topic of the future with people, and where they see their lives going, including where they want to live, how many children they want, what they want to do in the future.  My stance is that it is nice to daydream about things that have not happened, and to be prepared.  It won't do to have a life in front of you that you have not really thought about.  But... those decisions seem so big and so far away, and recently, some friends and I have been discussing it.  Mentioning no names, there is someone who doesn't want her future husband to have his own bank account, and she wants a pre-nup saying she will get a major portion of his future earnings.  I relayed this to my boyfriend, who said she will never get anyone to marry her if that is what she truly believes.

Surely it makes financial sense to spread your assets and keep your own bank accounts, but when marriage happens or if a very steady state of relationship is assured and marriage is not necessary, you could set up a joint account, but also keep some of your monetary assets elsewhere.  Her thinking makes no sense.

Over the past few months, I have encouraged people to 'get married soon', in a half jokey half serious but that kind of thing is a serious commitment.  I could never imagine getting married more than once - although this is not a certainty in this day and age - so I want to be sure before I do get married, and though I encourage people to think about marriage in their future, I want them to be sure, and also to be happy with whoever they marry.  Starter marriages are becoming more and more common, because that ideal of the happy life with a happy family is being pushed on us more and more by the media.  I feel like films depict a false representation of what it is like, and people rush into what they think is their ideal future, without really thinking about the consequences.

A little bit glad it's been getting sunnier; spring is truly here when you really cannot predict the weather.  I am always one of those people that goes out dressed unprepared for the weather, such that I am too cold.. and then I have the radiator on full all the time in my flat and so feel a bit too hot.  Have been having bad headaches recently, aggravated by the light :/  I've been having bad headaches and bad dreams every day for about a week now.. not so fun.  I think that it might be because my mind is too active in the day, and I probably do not eat properly, particularly when my boyfriend goes away.

Been having a very productive week - been looking for a new skincare routine for quite a while: I keep adding to it, and seeing how things go, and I stay with the same brands.  Saw this thing in one of those free London magazines a few months ago about the best things for different requirements of skin care, so been doing my research and finally got some things. I still amn't sure whether it's weird that I buy anti-ageing things: I have been doing so for about 3.5 years; whether or not it has made any difference is unknown.  I had a consult a while back, and things seem to be going alright?  I don't look too old yet!

Finished O&G this week... it's been one of the best clinical attachments, where you bring new life into the world and are fully involved in every step of the patient's care.  I have enjoyed it so much, but I am glad for a break now.  The hours were not amazing, staying awake for 30+ hours three times in 10 days makes you feel rubbish, it turns out.  I have no idea what I was existing on, as my diet suffered during that 10 day period so badly.  Your body only has a limited supply of glucose and glycogen, right?  So I must have been using up my fat, and therefore losing weight.

Was at a friend's house: he has a balcony and it's nice to sit out there when it's sunny and when the sun is just setting.  We always have interesting conversations: I like to converse with people who are open to talking about topics I talk about.  I can talk politics, economics and current affairs to a limited extent, but I prefer not to air my politico-economic opinions because it just gets into murky waters where people judge you for believing a certain thing.  I like to have my confidante (is that even a word?)  Sometimes it helps me to process things by talking out loud about them (with the ever recurring phrase "d'you know what I mean?") or writing about them.

Feel like I haven't blogged for quite a while, nothing about my life anyway.  There has been music and fashion and pictures but nothing about how I have been.  I mostly blog when I feel sick or when I am tired and can't really concentrate on study, and then save the posts so sometimes you see a load of posts posted regularly.  Guess I've been a little down recently, tired and whatnot.  I always put on Just Dance by Lady Gaga - it never fails to get me dancing.  I love it! ♥

Excited about the new Gossip Girl episodes.. only 5 left in this season.  And there's some way I can download BBC iplayer things without needing to watch it via bbc... watch this space.  If it works, I will write about it!  Been in a very talky mood... my boyfriend says that it's because I learned to talk early, so that I could get my opinion across.  And ask for cake...

Been listening to The Pierces recently; they have a very haunting and old-school style to their music which I can't quite put my finger on.  They sing about quite varying things but very well.... Sort of folksy-rock.

Anyway.  Enough rambling!

Carol ♥

isn't this a pretty advert? (from google images)

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