Sunday, February 27, 2011

fast lives stuck in the undertow

Made more changes to my blog, as I am so wont to do.  Just had a week off, for study and consolidation and to relax a little bit.  It wasn't really that much needed, as I'd only been in school for 6 weeks previously, but I suppose it's like a half term. (?)  I studied a lot, read a lot, er... went to A's birthday party at ASK on Friday, went to London Fashion Weekend, watched some TV, slept quite a bit.  Nothing out of the ordinary.

Watched the first (proper first) Star Wars film - I can't remember its name.  The acting was so poor, for all parties concerned.  Alec Baldwin was quite good, and Harrison Ford was passable, but for the most part, I cannot imagine why this film in particular sparked such a following.  Maybe I need to watch the rest.  I watched the film without any preconceptions or knowing who was who or what happens, but I think you do need to watch them all to understand what's happening.  How otherwise, if I was watching it alone, am I meant to know that there are desert people who are good, and that Princess Leia is Luke's brother, and that Darth Vader in fact does not have asthma?  And the force thing.  Hmmm.  Maybe it's something that comes with watching the trilogy.  I know basically what happens and I know who most of the main characters are.

Carol xx

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