Friday, February 11, 2011

i've been looking for a new direction

Eagle eyed and avid readers will notice that quite a lot of blog post titles come from song lyrics, and sometimes the relevant youtube video appears in the post.  This has been something I have done ever since I started this blog, over 4 years ago, although there has been an obvious move to different types of posts.  The statistics tab always amuses me... to some extent, I can see where my readers are from, and how they got here to reading certain posts.  I was not aware that people in the Netherlands like to repeatedly refresh the page...  And it confuses me somewhat about how people come by this blog.

Been catching up on Gossip Girl.  This season (season 4) is split into two halves, where the first one is where Katie Cassidy plays a character who tries to get revenge on one of the main characters, Serena, but it is resolved in a most extraordinary and unbelievable manner.  To explain it would involve a huge backstory, and you probably need to watch Gossip Girl all the way through - I don't feel it is a show where you can just start when you like.  This half revolves around the sale of a company belonging to one of the other main characters... maybe Gossip Girl is just riding out its successes in the past and coming up with poor plotlines.  Gossip Girl doesn't even feature anymore.  And megavideo is annoying.  I watch 15 minutes then the clip insists I have watched 72 minutes, the grand sum of my daily allowance.  Does anyone know how I might bypass this interference?  I suppose I could just download the episodes....

Of late, P and I have been watching Sherlock Holmes, which was on TV in the 1980's or something.  We've only watched four episodes, in about 2 months.  Anyway, they are very good - the actor who plays Holmes, Jeremy Brett, is considered to be the definitive Sherlock Holmes, with great command of facial expressions and perfect eloquence, despite the fact he had speech issues in his youth.  I have come up with theories about how each episode pans out (as each is unrelated to the next) and they are always totally wrong.  Maybe it is just my imagination.  The solution is always logical and just requires some thought.  I quite like it though - the story lines are always very clever, and interesting.  It is more than people being murdered or crimes being committed.  Watson also appears to be at Sherlock's beck and call, appearing to have no job of his own.... he claims to be a doctor, but really, is he really?

I was 'speaking' to a friend through the medium of e-mail about something I feel passionately about... in the past, I have alluded to ideas of eating disorders and psychiatry in general, and why I find it interesting.  It angers me that people still take such a negative view of a medical speciality, and it offends me even more that people whose opinions I care for fall into this category.  I know that you can never get everyone to agree with you, or to see your point of view, but it is a little callous especially when people have had indirect experience with the result of a psychiatric diagnosis.  It made me annoyed, so I wrote an email that took me a long time to write - which is silly.  Normally, I just write like I speak.  It comes out a little rambly, and I don't delete many things, save huge grammatical or spelling mistakes.  But I found it hard to phrase politely and succintly what I was trying to say.. a loss of eloquence / loquacity is a sure sign of that "difficult to phrase" feeling.

One of P's flatmates is trying to woo a girl he likes, and has been trying for some time now, and has failed spectacularly.. or so I feel anyway.  He is Canadian, and perhaps it is just his loud and brash manner that is preventing their potential relationship from forming, and he is too much in the friend zone.. having missed his opportunity.  I don't claim that I am good at relationship advice, and relationships in general.  I have never asked anyone out, I have never been on a proper date, I have never really followed any conventional rules regarding relationships.  But it provides great storytelling when this flatmate tells us of his endeavours and the new ways he is trying to get her to like him.  It seems to be a little bit high-school.. well, more than just a little.  When we were in high school, I suppose relationships are made by the communication between what seems like two camps.  The girl's friends and the boy's friends exchange messages from the girl and boy and somehow they co-ordinate a date.  It's even less than high school.  Maybe middle-school / early teens.  It just seems so childish, looking back.  P has told me a lot about his university pre-London life, and there, girls used to just date every guy in their friendship group, which I find totally bizarre and something I could just never imagine doing.  But nevertheless, whatever my feelings are about P's flatmate's personality etc, I still hope he ends up with someone.

Going to Southampton, just for the day, this weekend - one of my friends lives near there and she works for a branch of the government which reports on data (or something?) and has a contract to work there for 2 years, and then will move to another part of England to do a similar thing, again for 2 years, and so on.

It will be lovely as I have not seen her properly for a long time and I have never been to Southampton.  I also have a very restless feeling inside, and I have had it for a few days - when I sit down to work, I can only concentrate for a few hours at a time and then I need to get up and do something else, and then perhaps I might return to it later on in the day / evening / whatever.  I can't really describe how I feel.. it just feels like a restless feeling (like akathisia is a syndrome marked by subjective inner restlessness... except it's not as extreme as that.  I have no weird movements) and for some reason, I feel that going to see my friend will help.  I think I have been working myself too hard since I got back to university from the Christmas holiday.  I worked really hard over the holiday and I guess never really had an extended period of time when I could just do nothing (extended being a few days...?) partly because I had a lot to get through, and partly because I feel guilty when I haven't done something productive work-wise that day.  Even though this will be just one day - hopefully it will be enough.

I need to learn to relax properly.

apparently these are real - this Dutch man treats the roses with "natural pigment"....
(from google)


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