Saturday, February 26, 2011

"life is partly what we make it..."

When you say, "friend", what do you mean by it? The term is used very loosely sometimes nowadays, because of loosening of relationships, people meeting other people... people talking to each other online as well as in real life.  It just made me think, do we all mean 'friend' in the same way?

There are so many synonyms for the word 'friend' that I suppose the most common and the most easiest term is said.
  • acquaintance
  • colleague
  • comrade
  • association
  • and so on...
The all knowing online encyclopedia, Wikipedia, says that in a friendship, you tend to want the best for the other person, you can sympathise and empathise with them, you're honest even when it's hard to tell them the truth... you have something in common and you understand and trust them... and I think, most importantly, that there is reciprocation.  It is not a one-sided thing where one person puts in all the effort and the other just reaps the benefits, but both parties act equally.  Friends don't expect payment for the things they do for their friends (Cicero)

I think that the rise of social media, whether it's myspace, facebook, twitter, instant messengers.. it's changing the way friendships work.  Through these online profiles, you list a lot personal information which might lead someone to think that they know all about you and that they are your friend, just by being your online friend.

But we use the word 'friend' oh so loosely nowadays.  Such that... an acquaintance is, rightly as Wikipedia puts it, someone you enjoy having lunch with and they tend to be your social networking friend but you wouldn't rely on them for emotional support.  People use the word 'brother' and 'sister' to indicate someone who is just like a sibling to you, and you would do anything for them.. but I am reluctant to apply this term to anyone I know.  What's wrong with just the word 'friend', and knowing what you mean when you say someone is your friend?

"... and partly what it is made by the friends we choose "
~ Tennessee Williams

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