Monday, April 12, 2010

10 things that make me happy

Seriously, I think that without my friends or my boyfriend, I'd probably go crazy.  Everyone needs friends, and the best friendships involve mocking each other and having fun times :)  I guess friendships change over time, depending on how much you see each other and keep in contact.  I read a quote somewhere that if you find five people during your lifetime that you can truly call your friends, it's fine to leave this world into the next.  I thought I'd made three of these at school (naively) but time changes all things and now I know better.  I would love to believe that I will leave university with some true friends... not just people who I can have a good time with, but that I can trust and confide in.


Everything looks sooo much better in the sunshine :)  You have that summery feeling, and everyone's happier.  And it's a good excuse to wear a summery wardrobe (except, mine is perenially summery, and I just add a jumper (possibly not of my ownership) to make it winter-wearable).  But everyone's happier, there's more ice cream available and I don't need to carry my umbrella as often.  And Vitamin D production... it's healthy too!  Although wear some SPF!

pretty dresses
I had a boyish haircut when I was a child, until I was about 12 or 13, and I dressed in boyish clothes.  I didn't think I was a girly girl at all: I hardly ever wore skirts (except for school where it was mandatory) and I had very few pink clothes.  How times have changed... now I have many pink clothes and things, and I am more of a girly girl, in that I care about fashion and beauty and make-up and clothes and gossip... I dress in a more girly way, and thus pretty dresses make me happy.  They make me feel pretty, and they are also themselves pretty :)

French things
This probably stems from my learning French for so long.  I started learning French when I was 9, and I kept it up until I was 18.  I loved it.. the language was so delicate and feminine, and so different from English.  It was also very expressive and dainty.  During my French studies, I learnt about French energy policies, their attitudes towards racism, politics, their health policies and health system, their medicines, their lifestyle, their schooling system.  It was all so fascinating to me, and I feel sad I don't have time to dedicate to learning more French.  I learnt better didactically, not so much on my own.  Classes at university are at very inconvenient times, and it's very expensive to get a tutor.  Their food is also that more glamorous than English food, their clothes are stylish.  I know I could never go to live in France alone; it seems daunting and with my ever-diminishing grasp of the language, it seems less likely this will ever happen.

Yeah, yeah, I had to get one super girly thing in there.  I love reading Glamour.  It's a monthly magazine, it makes me happy, I pick up (some) fashion tips by reading this.  I was never a big follower of fashion, in the sense that I wouldn't wear padded shoulders if they were in.  I wouldn't wear grey if it was in (I don't even think I own any grey clothing).  Partly because I am lazy and partly because a lot of those looks don't work for me, and I have a boy-like figure (kinda).  But I like the way that the fashion pages pull some looks together.  Obviously I don't get it for the hard hitting articles, but hey, everyone needs a candy read.

foot massages
My feet are little and delicate, and if I walk for hours and hours in one go, they ache.  Foot massages are great!  I get knots in the heel and arches of my feet really often, so it feels good to work them out.

good memories
People say I have a good memory, for random things.  Like I remember when I met most people I know well.  I remember silly little things from my relationship.  I remember things people said.  When I'm alone, and feeling a little/lot down, I think about good times I've had, and it makes me smile.

hot water bottle
A year-round necessity.  It might be because I'm always cold.  The heat always lasts ages and it's lovely :)

my bed
Before you all have dirty thoughts, I love my bed at uni because it's entirely of my own design (minus the frame and mattress).  When I moved into the place I live in now, it was the first thing that I made up.  It is my comfort place.  It is one of my two indulgences.  I have five pillows (two temporarily for 6 months), and three duvets.  One duvet goes under the fitted sheet, and two on top.  (Hey.  I'm always I get cold!

good books
"Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body." - Joseph Addison
Need I say more?  I think not.

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