Wednesday, April 21, 2010

my brain knows better, it picks you up

I sort of feel like my blog is getting boring because I've decided to do this national blog posting month thing.  If you're reading this, you're either a) an interested follower or b) bored or c) trying to click "next blog" as quick as you can (any combination of the above).  It's hard posting every day!  To be honest, I do use my computer every day, to check my email, if only to read but not reply.  I have a serious back log of emails to catch up on.  So when I have a little more time, like when I'm catching up on my youtube subscriptions at night or when I'm watching Gossip Girl, I try to make them interesting.  Which is why most of them have involved pictures.....

Had a crazy week thusfar.  Been travelling all across London (well, I say, across.  I mean across zone 1).  I went to the Senate House Library today.  Since /I/ left the University of London, it's had little impact on students' daily lives.  All the difference it made was pretty much the gown you wear at graduation.  We can't vote in ULL elections, or enter their buildings as easily, but otherwise....  Anyway, it's near Russell Square, a place in London I really love.  It always looks so pretty, like an area of peace surrounded by busy London.  Have had late night tutoring (~6 or 7) so now I can feel a backlog of sleep that is needed.  Just went for a shower and am kinda worried my torso looks a bit skeletal.

P has been away nearly 2 weeks.. I'm still eating, my room is still not a mess (ish...), I'm not THAT lonely...  Going to see Iron Man next week, and see friends this Friday... some exams at /I/ have been postponed due to the Iceland volcano incident.  The Rector sent us all an email yesterday saying that if you're stranded, you can postpone your exams, if your department hasn't rescheduled already.

Fully caught up on Gossip Girl, er... delaying the start of doing my write up (it just seems SO DAUNTING)... I'm reading Handle With Care at the moment.  Kinda hoping it won't make it cry, but I can sense that it might do.  Also scaredy-cat that I am, I won't read Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol at night (when I do my reading).. I need someone there if I'm reading even a vaguely scary book.

Being busy is good.  Yet very tiring.

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