Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010 memories

2010 was a year full of many memories, without that many photos.  Every year seems to get better (compared to the previous year) in its own way but a while back, I made a list of goals I want to achieve before I am 30.  This year, I ticked some of them off :)

Anyway, these are some of the memories I'd like to share with you... the ones I can remember right now anyway!

I feel as though I have grown up a lot (though it may not be obvious on first/second/third etc glance).. I've lived alone for several months, without my best friend, and I came to realise how much I came to depend on him, and after being apart for a long time, I realised I can be self sufficient (to the extent that my lifestyle allows).

Along with many of my friends, I graduated.

I fell in love with Russell Square, when I went to slave over archived material at the Senate House Library.  I feel that SHL does not respond well to people wearing clothing from universities that are no longer affiliated with UL.  I don't know... Russell Square just seems to be a place of calmness in a very busy place.  It makes me happy.

I went to my first wedding - P's brother married a psychiatrist who works near where my parents live (sort of); I'd never seen her before, and I don't think P had.  It was held in the place where I had my U6 prom (which P refers to as 'debs') and so it was lovely to see all the familiar places and rooms and grounds.

Vivienne Westwood held a shoe exhibiton in Selfridge's, which I guess was to advertise her many shoes and to coincide with the shoe gallery - there were many fluttering hearts and reluctant boyfriends/husbands.  I hardly left the house on Sundays when P was away - it was my day of lounging about with my books or magazines or files or laptop in bed, but I made special effort to see VW's creations.  I've long wanted a pair of her shoes now, but as with most things I want, I find that the 'want' is transitory, and after a few weeks I don't want them anymore.  But the Westwood shoes have an intermittent want.  I also have a fashion-ful weekend, going to London Fashion Weekend.

My mum had a huge operation, called a microvascular decompression - there are youtube videos.  She is thankfully now okay :)

I had a great birthday celebration with my friends!  It was a joint birthday celebration, with one of my friends

I ate many many Easter eggs... the last one survived three months, but only because I hid it!

excuse the blurriness!

I went to the Hunterian Museum, to look at strange, weird and wonderful specimens, and The Evelyn Tables... I saw The Comedy of Errors at The Globe and have great chat after, which still makes me laugh.

This post and this post become the most viewed posts I have ever published. Blogger has this thing where you can see what people have googled to get to your blog.  Well, the searches people have used for these posts have made my blog first on the google page for one consistently.  Thankyou P.

These videos make the rounds, stereotyping medical specialities...  I have inexplicable love for this song.. if I have my music player on, I play it at least 5 times.  Oh, and this song too.  I saw Xiaxue sing it in one of her tv show videos.  I get a bit flaky and have weight issues and food issues and image issues.

Hmm.. an interesting year.

How was your 2010?

x x

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