Monday, December 20, 2010

"Action. What will you do next year that you've been putting off for too long?"

This is the 20SB blog swap post, except mine never got back to me, so here I am, posting this on my own blog.

Next year... I will make the effort to cook more meals that do not involve the current major Carol food groups of: chocolate, bread/toast and pasta.  These things are the go-to foods when I am just too tired to be imaginative and creative with my food choices, or when I feel ill and want some comfort food.  I cook a really nice meal for myself for my birthday and for Chinese New Year, as these are important days, the latter in particular, but other than that, it doesn't get all creative or anything.

I've been living away from home for a few years now, and I still very much look forward to coming home and having food made for me.

I will also keep my table tidy.  I write notes to myself, or important things and leave them on pieces of bright pink paper so that I will see them.. I have pens and papers and all sorts on my work table, and it gets a bit much sometimes.  I will also keep my piece-of-furniture -in-lieu-of-a-vanity tidy (a vanity is something where you put make-up and mirrors and other such things, and mine has magazines and books, a clock, hair things, creams and jewellery all over it in a very disorganised manner.  That is the one thing in my room that requires the most time to tidy up, and it is the one thing I hate to tidy the most.  So I will make more effort to do so.

In terms of really answering the point of this post... I'm not really sure there is anything I have been putting off... more, delaying (and these are things I would do in time).  I don't have any big plans I have been delaying (have I?)... but expect to see reflections upon this in the not too faraway future =)

C x x x


As a side note, the snow has really messed up the country's transport, and people keep citing Canada as an amazing example of snow-handling.  I accept that they are better equipped to handle snow, but the UK sadly is NOT, and a comparison to Canada isn't helping that much.... I hope that everyone's braving the snow if they need to, and being safe!  A lot of the trains and planes are cancelled / delayed, and I am so thankful that I didn't need to use any form of air transport this holiday.  Handling a train concourse full of irate people was bad enough!!

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